It is cruical to crystallize our intent. I've talked about the How and Why of it and explained this through examples. Thus you will have a grasp on how to use your 'intent' to grow and thus with time be able to handle a larger set of problems. How can we crystallize intent: Hold yourself accountable for malevolent* intent each time. So it may gradually become more benevolent*. Why should we crystallize intent: As your intent crystallizes i.e. becomes more benevolent you will notice that you are able to handle a larger set of challenges that come your way. Thus you become MATURE and benefit from the advantages of being mature. As this process of Maturation continues a point will come when one becomes Mature enough to bear life's greatest challenge i.e. death itself. So let's see this through examples. IMMATURITY: On one end of the spectrum lie Indian Dramas. In these dramas the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law [who in Indian homes live in the same house] ar...