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The only choice we really have

A 2 year old child quite naturally acts appropriately. But for an adult this does not remain easy in fact a choice is introduced. He may act appropriately or may not act appropriately and this choice eventually determines his quality of life.

This is the only real choice he has for all else follows. Let's see how this is so.

2 year olds act appropriate to their age. They don’t think of what to do they just do it. Unfortunately they don't have a highly developed level of consciousness and so it is easy for them to follow to the letter whatever their consciousness tells them. Naturally because of this [i.e. a limited consciousness] they are vulnerable to the world more than an adult.

Adults over the years through experience and observation develop a higher form of consciousness of the world around them. This is why they can protect themselves from danger. Inevitably to protect themselves from danger they have developed a sense that warns them of danger - much like how Spiderman's spider sense works.

Sometimes however the adult goes against his gut feeling or spider sense as I call it and may not act appropriately.

To act appropriately may require us to show courage in the face of danger. And so we may need to pick a fight with a man stealing an old lady’s hand bag. Or it may equally require us to show tolerance as in the case where it’s better to be silent than continue an argument.

In any case the key is to unconditionally follow our conscience and do what is appropriate for in doing so we learn new things and mature and proceed to the next level of consciousness. In avoiding this choice and acting inappropriately we miss out on the opportunity to learn and grow. In the process we may also collect ‘emotional or excess’ baggage that will lead us to resentment. This may be so if we do not stop the man from stealing from the old woman or continue the argument instead of keeping silent and thus feel guilty later.

We not only protect ourselves from a feeling of guilt but all sorts of harmful things. Thus unlike the 2 year old we are less vulnerable to the world to the extent that we are mature and have a sophisticated conscience.

One way to develop our consciousness is to learn from books and other peoples’ experiences, to pray, fast and remember God.

Thus in choosing to act appropriately we are at our best using all our faculties and our skills, our knowledge and our wisdom. How we respond to a situation may vary over time but in acting appropriately we are at our best.


  1. As you suggest we "learn from books and other peoples’ experiences" along with prayer of all kinds. I see in this post an inclusion of both groups and time alone. And sometimes maybe these need to be simultaneous?

    How do we find and use clear guidelines in discernment? I sure don't know for your particular time, place and traditions. Yet discernment is sure to be found and we all need the same no matter how young old non-educated educated or whatever, no?

    Surely one principle, as you have said, is to know when to be silent and not continue an argument. And/or see a potential argument as a path to discovery for all parties? And when we are quiet and listening - how do we still hear in that?

    Yes, and what are the best means of building trust with one another so that trust within either our congregations and groups will be part of "knowing" what is true and good?

    Thank You for your thoughtful effort to learn spiritual and practical truth and to share these with us, Faraz...

  2. I think one important thing to realize is that us humans work on the principle of "self-preservation".

    It is built into us very strongly, into our genetic code you could say.

    Thus I feel that whatever decision we make, with or without clarity, is the best decision that comes to us [from a combination of the conscious and subconscious mind].

    In that sense 'whatever' we do, as long as we are giving it our two cents IT IS appropriate.

    Another thing that I have learnt and trying make it second nature in myself [and finding it very difficult to do] is to stop and not beat myself up.

    Something that might help is the realization that since we are hardly perfect beings and can never be perfect [if to be perfect is to be God] 'whatever we do will always be INADEQUATE'.

    Let's breathe and as somebody said "let go" :)


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