- Sherlock Homes presents an inspiring dimension of detective work. Work which by its nature leads the detective to the root of the incident. An alternate dimension of detective work applies the same method to discovering about ourselves.
- If you desire freedom it is not to be found in getting your rights from people or what you wish them to do for you. Only you can give yourself freedom. By becoming aware and understanding what pushes and pulls you to do what you do.
- Imagination can have you wear the superman costume and your feelings inside you have you grounded to Mother Earth in the twinkle of an eye.
- If you decide to do a thing for which you are ready to accept the consequences. However small the decision maybe, if it is yours 100% and you own it completely, it should make you feel a fire course through you.
- Hard work is priceless specially when it leads us to failure. Because it sets in a purpose, not to give up and the energy to struggle harder.
- The primary task at hand is to make our feelings grounded and our ability to perceive makes this job possible.
- Asking the right questions: Some questions are just chatter, and therefore need not be answered. Instead they require that one becomes still. There are some questions that require answers. But what sets these type of questions apart is that their answers can always be 'tasted' and change what we are feeling within.
- People in general are so tied-up with issues of their own they can't be bothered beyond a reasonable point with others' lives. This is good because it gives individuals a fair share of space and independence. If however, one was not to accept this space and struggle for companionship, it could turn this experience of independence into loneliness.
- Be it the weight of expectation that drives you. It is a blessing to find yourself in a spot where you will to work hard.
- An experience of the world through the five empirical senses is different from an experience of it through the mind cogitating over it. Smell, taste, touch & sound can't be expressed with a sharpness of 100% ever through the words and language used to describe them.
- Contentment I tell you has its roots in loss.
- Mehnat and sukar are the primary tools for inner change. All other tools are trash in their efficacy of use without them.
- Art Is a mirror into the soul. You might or might not like what you Find. But at least you Will see!
- So the journey back to God as I have by now gathered Is just a journey down the path of a highly attuned rich abundant colored world of feelings and emotion. And we have the capacity each one of us of tremendous depths of it. To have never felt is to have never lived; to have come in this world and died a lost soul...
- If a patch of hell is what we are thrown into, like Ibrahim AS, we too can land in Eden i.e. if we nurture and cultivate richness within.
- Friends bond through their shared value system.
- Compromising integrity is possibly the worst of evils. Being a feeling it leaves a very pungent taste. Just as having it, makes things sweeter and always better, despite the pain of holding on to it.
- We can find ourself only in the present moment, and this is facilitated through concentration, in whatever it is we are doing.
- Knowledge is a beguiling treasure. It makes us feel empowered. Whereas it takes away power, the more it illuminates our contradictions.
I have come about an understanding about the absolute purpose of our being and I think it’s not ambition but an aspiration. But if it is an aspiration what could be the absolute aspiration? Clearly the pharaoh must have taught his people to aspire to a position in his court. His method must have been a reward for serving him. But what service did he put his society to? It was the building of the Pyramids. Now the pyramids like all his other social projects were aggrandizement meant for him. And with the pharaoh at the top and his workers at the bottom another structure was created which was the hierarchy of society. Interestingly this entire society was put to one goal only: aggrandizement. Aggrandizement of any kind is inherently fleeting. For example if we aggrandize money it will get used up and disappear. If we aggrandize a seat of power sooner or later it will also disappear. Hence neither aggrandizement serving ourselves nor for another can be the highest we can aspire for. In fa...
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