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Showing posts from 2012

What fascinates me about my work

A computer is an exceptional machine. Fundamentally it performs a single operation. This  computational machine takes in data, processes it and in response generates new processed data. The language that a computer speaks can generally be referred to as “code” written in some “programming language”. Using a programming language humans can tell the computer to do operations as simple as the computation of “1 plus 1” or extremely complex forms of computation such as would enable it to continuously scan the sky to collect data, process it, and send out an alarm (processed data) that would tell an operator when an aircraft enters air space that the computer was scanning. The diagram below describes this. Using “code” a person can bring life to these sort of systems such as radar systems, Math calculation systems and many other types of systems. At the heart of each system are a bunch of concepts that when translated into “code” and downloaded into a computer can bring li...

Information Technology

Information technology is my domain of work. It is something that was the stuff of imagination (I suppose just a few decades back) and is now a domain that has found a place everywhere ~ homes, offices ~ and in developed countries in their very national infrastructure. As a kid I used to like thinking about puzzles, analysing them to solve them. I was fascinated by terms such as logic, and loved to indulge in what I thought were interesting logical arguments. It is a blessing that I am earning a living in a field of work that matches so closely with these childhood interests. IT relates closely to logic, to analysing puzzles, and solving problems. It is easy to grasp since it is concrete and yet wonderful in that it accommodates a significant degree of abstraction. It is concrete because it is structured and has to do with systems. Yet abstract at the same time, in that the more complex a system one drives to architect, the more abstraction one has to deal with. Something chique ...

The role of thought in our lives

The discipline of engineering makes an incredible use of ideas, concepts and thought to construct physically real objects. In the making of an aeroplane for example, engineers play both with nuts & bolts, and with theories of how best to put them to use. So while the nuts & bolts are an integral ingredient, the theoretical art of putting them together is the more crucial ingredient, without which the nuts & bolts would never take the shape nor flight of that essential aeroplane. Thought interestingly can make its way to how we feel, both in good ways and bad. The good side of it is the affect of fables or epic tales of heros - how making us feel good - they energise us. The bad side of it is how misunderstandings or out of proportion expectations for example that we may hold onto can deplete that same energy.

The hope attached with an idealist

"Cynism, it kills the heart..., and that is much worse than stagnation, whereas idealism does not do that, and to say it does not accept reality as it is, is actually a stagnation in the observer’s (of idealism) perception, insisting on the correctness of his reading of reality as harsh and merciless, while it is the idealist, who transcends his own perception of the harshness of the reality he finds himself in, thereby accepting and submitting to the higher Reality that the Creation of Allah does not have any flaws..." SMHR To add to this: the idealist himself transcends his own perception almost by brute force...when by insisting on the stance he takes and by observing a repetition of his own experience, he is left with no option but to alter himself.