What is the Purpose? O Allah Protect me! Terror surrounds me, from the sides. O Malik, Make this simple for me, O Rabb Sweeten this for me. O most Powerful! make this terror apart from me, You hath created me! You have designed me! You hath built my soul, made it into, one which receives from Noor. O Lord of Creation, O Overwhelmer of that which overwhelms; O King of kings, O Architect, Architect Of the mightiest architects! Harmonize me into this surrounding. I come from You, so each challenge I faceth hath a solution within, so no challenge shall persist; each answer shall come to me, as words You place in me. Take this terror, O Lord! turn it to a beautiful sweetness so I see the world like your beloveds do; just as one ought to. Is the purpose not but to simply witness? ~ See each piece of coal turn from dust into jewel.